The Fine Art of God’s More

It is a brand new year! And you are receiving a brand new BLOG from Legacy Church FC. And here is a brand new Motto to get us started.

“Accept that there is More…In 2024!”

More! Mas, plus, perissótero, mais, mehr, motto, Gèng duō de, hou aku.

In any language, more is near and dear to our hearts. From childhood, we have integrated this concept. We want more candy, more time at a friend’s house, more stuffed animals.  If I asked you today if you’d like more of something, you could easily give me several answers. I absolutely could, too.

But here’s a catch – the motto asks us to accept that there is more. That means our current status is less than optimum. Our current situation has room for improvement. Our current lifestyle or condition could be improved upon. We need to look right in the face of 2024 and admit we can grow in some areas. Maybe not all – we have to feel like we have some things handled, but some behaviors or attitudes could be better. We could do more of essential and healthy things.

This isn’t just a carte blanche, all about me, what can I get statement. If you reread this Blog’s title, it gives it away. It isn’t about just us and the things we want to get. The motto is designed to make us think and think some more about things like our walk with Jesus. Let’s be honest: deep in our hearts, and maybe not even that far away from our minds, we hear the Savior calling. It might not be very loud if we haven’t listened and obeyed His voice in a while. Keep listening; you will hear Him, and He will speak to your heart. Pray to hear Him. He is right there.

What things could help our walk with Jesus that we need more of? Stop reading for a minute and list one item for each of your fingers – 10 things you can easily do that would bring you closer to Jesus and help you fulfill the calling we have to Glorify God.

We need MORE:

  1. We need more of Jesus. He is our hope and our future – not only does He save us from our sins, but we are welcomed into heaven because He is our savior.  We will never have anyone on earth who compares to Jesus.

  2. We need more prayer. Connecting to and fellowshipping with the Father is crucial to hearing His voice. We get answers, receive comfort, and pray for others. He will guide our steps.

  3. We need to do more acts of service – Show God’s love to His people. Jesus showed us that all of the time. He could’ve just hung out with his disciple buddies, but no – Jesus went out to the people and met their needs. Jesus was a fantastic servant. Let’s do more for others and love our neighbor as ourselves.

  4. We need more church time – Show up, learn, worship, give, be with friends, be inspired, and be blessed. Repeat.

  5. We need more Guts for the Gospel. The word Gospel means good news; we have it and need to trust and share it!  “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Read Matthew 5:14-16 The Bible is true – God wins in the end. We have the ultimate answer; we need to tell everyone.

  6. We need more belief. Belief provides a direct prompt to action. Belief in what God is doing helps us trust Him. It helps us give of our time and talents. Belief creates resilience.

  7. We need more Faith. Faith helps us to trust God for the things unseen. We follow His Word, and His ways and are blessed. John 20:28-29, 2 Co 5:7

  8. We need more Community – The biblical definition of community is when we come alongside one another to serve, support, grow, and mature in our faith. Don’t try to do this life in isolation. Believers need each other.

  9. We need more of God’s Word. The Bible is our playbook. God speaks to us through His Word. We learn about Him and through Him. We NEED more of scripture filling our hearts and our minds.

  10. We need more commitment to the right things. How do you use your time?

If our highest calling is to Glorify God, how can we shift our thinking and priorities to reflect His love for us? Do you want your walk with God to be dynamic, energizing, and powerful? A Blessing to you and those around you? Proverbs 16:3 recommends that we dedicate our work to the Lord, whatever we do, and HE will establish our plans.

It’s a New Year! We can have a close, lasting relationship with the Heavenly Father! Say “YES!” to more of Him in the New Year!

In 2024, let’s accept there is more!

Ephesians 3:20 “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, 21 to Him be Glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”

Thank you for reading Legacy Church’s first Blog post on God’s More! Feel free to reach out!

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